Invocon’s core activities revolve around research and development of precision instrumentation and communication solutions for demanding applications in extreme environments. From inception, Invocon has continually introduced new innovations, ideas, and concepts to solve a myriad of technological challenges encountered in the sensing and acquisition industries.
Turning impossible challenges into tangible products has become the mantra of our staff.
“If we knew what we were doing, it wouldn’t be called research.” – Albert Einstein
The engineers at Invocon believe that there is no problem without a solution. Our research successes often come by doing something in a completely different way. Our goal is to create the future, one innovation at a time.
Invocon has always sought to remain on the cutting edge of technology. Our engineers are constantly searching for the newest products that can improve the performance of our systems in many areas:
- Precision
- Accuracy
- Performance
- Power Consumption
- Size and Weight
- Reliability
It is the delicate balance of these performance areas that sets Invocon systems apart from any other solutions.
In addition to solving customer-driven applications, Invocon also pursues internal R&D projects for the continuing development of technologies. This type of work sharpens our competitive edge, and often these IRAD projects generate outside interest and lead to a successful solution of a previously impossible problem.