Invocon on STS-115

September 9 – 21, 2006

Space Shuttle Atlantis

This was the twenty-second flight of Invocon hardware on the Space Shuttle. The STS-115 mission marked the return to ISS construction after the loss of Columbia during STS-107. During this mission, the Atlantis crew attached the P3 & P4 Truss segments to the ISS. Two IVC systems were present on the orbiter and another was attached to the truss.

Below is a list of the IVC systems that were present on Atlantis during the mission. The EWB MicroTAU-WLE system is the IVC system used for detecting impacts on the leading edge of the Orbiter’s wing.

44EWB MicroTAUWing Leading Edge
12MicroSGUAft Section
1EWISNetwork Control Unit
Enhanced Wide-Band Micro-Miniature Tri-axial Accelerometer Unit

This is the third flight of the EWB MicroTAU system, a high-speed, synchronized data acquisition network for dynamic acceleration sensing and recording. On STS-115, 44 units were used to detect, locate, and characterize impacts on the RCC panels on the wing leading edge.

Click here for more information about the EWB-MicroTAU system.

Micro-Miniature Strain Gauge Unit

Twelve Invocon MicroSGU™ sensors were installed in the engine compartment to measure the stresses imparted to the trunnion arms on the Space Shuttle Main Engines (SSMEs).

This makes the ninth consecutive flight of the MicroSGU system starting with STS-109.

Click here for more information about the MicroSGU system.

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