News 2008

November 14, 2008

Invocon on STS-126

STS-126 launched from Kennedy Space Center this evening at 7:55PM EDT. During this mission, the Endeavor crew will perform multiple spacewalks performing maintenance and installation tasks on the the ISS.

For Invocon, this mission marks the 30th Shuttle mission utilizing our systems. On this mission, the Enhanced Wideband MicroTAU-WLE system is being used to monitor the Wing-Leading Edge of the orbiter for impacts during ascent.

Click here for more mission details

October 14, 2008

Fly-By-Wireless Demonstrated

Fly-By-Wireless technology developed by Invocon and Gulfstream performed exceptionally well in first demonstration on-board a Gulfstream test aircraft.

For more details check out the Gulfstream press release.

May 31, 2008

Invocon on STS-124

STS-124 launched from Kennedy Space Center this afternoon at 5:02PM EDT. During this mission, the Discovery crew will deliver the Japanese Kibo module to the ISS. This landmark event for JAXA heralds a new phase in the scientific capabilities of the ISS.

For Invocon, this mission marks the 29th Shuttle mission utilizing our systems. On this mission, the Enhanced Wideband MicroTAU-WLE system is being used to monitor the Wing-Leading Edge of the orbiter for impacts during ascent.

Click here for more mission details

April 21, 2008

Spacecraft Leak Detection System Uses Surface-borne Ultrasonic Sensor Arrays

A Phase 2 Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) proposal from Invocon, Inc. of Conroe, TX for a Spacecraft Leak Detection System was recently selected by NASA for contract negotiation. This technology development intends to provide a viable system to sense and locate air leaks from pressurized space station or lunar habitat modules caused by micrometeoroid and space debris impact events. The ability to detect, quickly locate, and mitigate a pressure vessel breach is critical to the safety of any long duration spacecraft.

Click here for more details

March 11, 2008

Invocon on STS-123

Space Shuttle Endeavour on STS-123 launched today carrying two different Invocon systems.

This is the twenty-eighth shuttle mission to utilize Invocon systems. For this mission, Invocon systems have been used in the Shuttle launch.

Click here for more mission details

February 7, 2008

Invocon on STS-122

Space Shuttle Atlantis on STS-122 launched today carrying two different Invocon systems.

This is the twenty-seventh shuttle mission to utilize Invocon systems. For this mission, Invocon systems have been used in the Shuttle launch.

Click here for more mission details