August 29, 2014
Successful Test of Wireless Rocket Technology
Invocon successfully tested RF wireless technology as part of the LEO-46 Rocket Motor Test performed by AeroJet Rocketdyne on August 13, 2014. A key objective of the test was to assess any influence that the chaotic environment surrounding the motor plume would have on the ability to transmit RF reliably. The wireless technology tested will lead to future development of wireless control systems for rocket motors and other rocket systems.
This is the second wireless test Invocon performed during live fire rocket tests. It was conducted to compare the results from the test of an upper stage motor with the more powerful LEO-46 first stage motor.
May 2014
Hyper Velocity Impact – Damage Assessment System (HVI-DAS) SBIR Proposal Selected
Invocon’s Small Business Innovative Research (SBIR) proposal for a Hyper Velocity Impact – Damage Assessment System was selected by NASA LaRC for Phase I funding. Invocon will use this opportunity to build on the hypervelocity impact knowledge with the objective of providing a device that can track the electrical charge dispersion generated by the hypervelocity impacts. The tracked information can be used to provide accurate location along with damage assessment information on structures affected by hypervelocity impact events.