Wireless Sensors

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NOTE: Historical systems are not currently available. These systems are presented here as examples of Invocon’s capabilities.


Tire Pressure Monitoring System

Invocon developed a wireless Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) for aircraft. TPMS interfaces with smart phones and tablets via Bluetooth Low Energy. It provides the pressure and temperature for each tire on an aircraft without the need for physical contact with the tires. This significantly increases the efficiency of the pilot’s preflight inspection and provides added peace of mind for aircraft crew and owners.


Re-Entry Breakup Recorder – Wireless

Invocon produced a wireless temperature system that was incorporated into the Reentry Breakup Recorder (REBR), a design that was conceived and constructed by The Aerospace Corporation engineers. REBR is a basketball-sized device that is launched into orbit aboard a larger spacecraft and then intentionally deorbited when a host spacecraft returns to Earth. The REBR gathers data as its host vehicle reenters and transmits the data to the ground for analysis.

The data can be used for reentry hazard prediction studies, reducing risks, improving planning for spacecraft that eventually must deorbit, and generally expanding our understanding of reentry breakup and related phenomena. The new REBR-W (wireless) is an enhanced version of this capability that utilizes remotely mounted units with high temperature sensors that are located throughout the host spacecraft. The remote sensors measure and transmit temperature data from various locations on the reentering vehicle to the REBR-W unit, which stores and later transmits the data to the ground. Invocon’s responsibility was defining, producing, and testing a suitable system solution that could be used effectively with REBR on various spacecraft that dock with the International Space Station and later reenter Earth’s atmosphere and burn up.


External Wireless Instrumentation System


Developed to provide long-term structural dynamics measurements of the International Space Station (ISS).

Click here to learn more about the EWIS system.


Enhanced Wide-Band Micro-Miniature Tri-Axial Accelerometer Unit


Wireless, high-speed, synchronized data acquisition network for dynamic acceleration sensing, processing, and recording. Post acquisition download is either USB or wireless.


  • 20-kHz Sample Rate
  • 3 External Accels per unit
  • Processing: RMS Signal Analysis, Frequency Analysis, Decimation, Peak Detection, et al.
  • Approximate Size: 7.0 cm x 3.8 cm x 8.3 cm

Click here to learn more about the EWB MicroTAU system.


Micro-miniature Wireless Instrumentation System – Next Generation


A real-time asynchronous wireless transmission system. Immediate graphical representation and
storage on a PC.


  • 1/hour–0.25 Hz Sample Rate
  • 1 channel per unit
  • 100 units per system
  • The units can support any resistive sensor type.
  • Approximate Size: 3.3 cm x 3.3 cm x 1.5 cm replaceable battery unit

Click here to learn more about the MicroWIS-XG system.


Multiple-Input Tiny Enhanced Wireless Instrumentation System


A real-time and/or store-and-forward system capable of recording data from up to four channels on 2-MB non-volatile memory (enough for 2 years at 1 sample per 5 minutes, with 4 channels). Post-acquisition download is wireless to a receiver and GUI. Designed for two-year usage without battery exchange.


  • Sample Rate: Programmable from 1 per 15 seconds, up to 1 per hour
  • Lifetime: 2 years at 1 sample per minute
  • Approximate Size: 6.0 cm x 6.3 cm x 2.5 cm (excluding antenna)
  • Up to 4 external channels per unit
  • The units can support any resistive sensor type.

Click here to learn more about the MITE WIS system.


Wireless Ethernet-Based Data Acquisition System


This system enables the use of existing Ethernet hardware and Web-based IT resources for the configuration, acquisition, transmission, and display of sensor data from extremely low-power RF sensors.

Click here to learn more about the WEBDAS system.


Wireless Strain Gauge Instrumentation System


Programmable initiation triggers over a 10-minute acquisition and non-volatile storage. Post-acquisition download is either USB or wireless.


  • 20-kHz Sample Rate
  • 4 External Resistive Transducer channels per unit
  • 4 External low-speed RTD channels per unit
  • Approximate Size: 7.0 cm x 3.8 cm x 8.3 cm (not including flanges or antenna)

Click here to learn more about the WSGIS system.

Advanced MicroWIS™

Advanced Micro-Miniature Wireless Instrumentation System


A real-time asynchronous, analog-to-digital system that wirelessly transmits data for graphical representation and storage on a PC.


  • 20-Hz Sample Rate
  • 1 channel per unit
  • 5 units per system
  • Approximate Size: 3.3 cm x 3.3 cm x 1.5 cm replaceable battery unit

Click here to learn more about the Advanced MicroWIS system.


Aircraft Integrity Radio Network Evaluation Technology


A multi-sensor system for in-flight aircraft performance evaluation. An intra-aircraft wireless network collected the data for automatic downloading to ground receiving stations during flight.

  • Sample Rate: Programmable from 4.8 Hz to 1 kHz
  • Approximate Size: 10 cm x 14 cm x 4.5 cm

Click here to learn more about the AIRNET system.



A multi-unit wireless pulse and breathing rate detection system.

Internal electronics acquired data from the external optical deflection pressure sensor, performed analyses, and transmitted the pulse and respiration rate information. A real-time mode transmitted raw data to the receiver.


  • 1 external optical deflection pressure sensor for pulse and respiration monitoring
  • Sample Rate: 64 Hz and 512 Hz (Respiration and Heart Rates Respectively)
  • Approximate Size: 5 cm x 5 cm x 2 cm

Click here to learn more about the BodyLAN system.


Extended-Life Micro-Miniature Wireless Instrumentation System


A real-time and/or store-and-forward system capable of recording 1 year of data onto non-volatile memory (at 1 sample per minute) with a wireless download. Designed for 10-year usage without battery exchange. Also capable of networking between units.


  • 1/day–1/(15 seconds) Sample Rate
  • 1 channel per unit
  • 50 units per system
  • The units can support any resistive sensor type.
  • Approximate Size: 7.0 cm x 5.9 cm x 3.1 cm

Click here to learn more about the ELMWIS system.


Entire-Ship Ballast Autonomous Wireless Monitor


ESBAWM will monitor and log ballast exchanges in oceanic cargo vessels. Multiple Ballast Monitoring Units (pictured) are mounted atop ballast sounding pipes and periodically monitor the ballast levels.

These units then pass ballast activity through a wireless network to the Ship Data Collection and Location Unit that logs the ballast activity and respective GPS location information. As the ship approaches shore an automatic wireless download and internet transport can alert port authorities to potentially contaminated ships before they enter port.

Click here to learn more about the ESBAWM system.


Global Positioning System Interface Controller


Served as the interface between TANS and the Wake Shield Facility (WSF) recording GPS information and translating messages between the two external devices. The GPSCON was part of a high priority Risk Mitigation Experiment (RME1311) for Relative Global Positioning System (RGPS) navigation flight.

Approximate size: 20 cm x 5.7 cm x 29 cm

Click here to learn more about the GPSCON system.


Micro-Miniature Stress Analysis and Forecasted Endurance


Performs the ASTM Rainflow Cycle Counting Algorithm in real-time as it acquires strain data. Performs continual Rainflow analysis on site without the need for large data storage mediums or post-processing.


  • Sample Rate: 32 Hz
  • 1 external channel per unit
  • The units can support any resistive sensor type
  • Approximate Size: 2.5 cm x 2.5 cm x 3.0 cm (pictured external battery unit)

Click here to learn more about the MicroSAFE system.


Micro-Miniature Strain Gauge Unit


Programmable initiation triggers a single acquisition event. Capable of recording on to non-volatile memory up to 13 minutes of data from each channel for post-acquisition wireless download.


  • 250-Hz Sample Rate
  • 2 external sensors per unit
  • The units can support any resistive sensor type
  • Approximate Size: 5.5 cm x 4 cm x 2.8 cm

Click here to learn more about the MicroSGU system.


Micro-Miniature Tri-Axial Accelerometer Unit


Programmable initiation triggers for two consecutive acquisition events. Capable of recording to non-volatile memory up to 9 minutes of data from each channel for post-acquisition wireless download.  Multiple units can be programmed for synchronous acquisition.


  • 250-Hz Sample Rate
  • 3 Internal tri-axial sensors per unit
  • Approximate Size: 5.5 cm x 4.0 cm x 2.8 cm

Click here to learn more about the MicroTAU system.


Micro-Miniature Wireless Instrumentation System for Carbon Dioxide Measurement


A wireless data acquisition system for near-static CO2 measurements. The sensor element uses a Non-Dispersive Infrared Diffusion (NDIR) method for measurement.


  • Sample Rates: One sample per 15 minutes, 30 minutes, 1 hour, or 2 hours
  • Accuracy: ± 200 ppm or 5% of reading, which ever is greater
  • Battery Lifetime:
    • 166 days at 1 sample per hour and 2 minute warm-up
    • 34 days at 1 sample per hour and 10 minute warm-up
  • Approximate Size: 3.5 cm x 6.4 cm x 8.6 cm

Click here to learn more about the MicroWIS-CO2 system.


Micro-Miniature Wireless Instrumentation System


A real-time asynchronous wireless transmission system. Immediate graphical representation and storage on a PC.


  • 1 channel per unit
  • 100 units per system
  • The units can support any resistive sensor type
  • Sample Rate: 1/hour–0.25 Hz
  • Approximate Size: 3.3 cm x 3.3 cm x 1.5 cm replaceable battery unit

Click here to learn more about the MicroWIS system.


Micro-gravity Measurement Apparatus


MMA constantly monitors micro-vibrations in the International Space Station. MMA will help correlate any anomalies in micro-g experiments with ISS vibrations.


  • External Tri-Axial Accelerometer
  • Sample Rate: Programmable up to 1.2 kHz
  • Resolution: Better than 2 micro-g
  • Accuracy: Better than 10 micro-g

Click here to learn more about the MMA system.


Wireless Data Acquisition system for Structural Monitoring and Evaluation


Designed for the U.S. Department of Transportation to measure the performance of bridge structures under transient loads. Up to 60 sensors on a bridge can measure stress/strain, vibration, and temperature.

Click here to learn more about the SMES system.


Ultrasonic Wireless Instrumentation System


Invocon is currently in Phase II of a NASA Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) program to assist in locating leaks within pressurized spacecraft with minimal expenditure of vehicle or crew resources. The UltraWIS units monitor an entire habitation structure as part of a network of ultrasonic sensors.


  • 8 Ultrasonic sensors per unit
  • Sample Rate: 100 kHz
  • Approximate Size: 5.0 cm x 5.0 cm x 2.5 cm

Click here to learn more about the UltraWIS system.


Un-tethered Velocity of Sound Profiling Sensor


Invocon has recently begun a Phase II Department of Defense (DOD) Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) program to assist the US Navy in measuring the water column sound velocity. The sensor system is a stack of miniature probes that are periodically released to sink and send both temperature and depth back to the host-buoy.

Click here to learn more about the UVOSPS project.


Wireless Airborne Instrumentation System


A real-time, highly synchronous analog-to-analog or analog-to-pseudoPCM networked system. Programmable sample rates, filters, offsets, and gains on all inputs.  Synchronization between samples on remote units is ± 300 ns.


  • Up to 12-kHz Sample Rate. Aggregate system throughput is 86k Samples per Second
  • Up to 16 sensors per unit
  • Up to 8 units per system
  • Maximum 64 channels per system
  • Modules can support resistive, capacitive, and voltage sensor types
  • Approximate Size: Expandable from 13.7 cm x 8.9 cm x 7.7 cm

Click here to learn more about the WAIS system.


Wireless Autonomous Telemetry System


A real-time, synchronous, analog-to-digital system that wirelessly transmits data for graphical representation and storage.


  • 20-Hz Sample Rate
  • 1 channel per unit
  • 5 channels per system
  • The units can support any resistive sensor type
  • Approximate Size: 3.3 cm x 3.3 cm x 1.5 cm replaceable battery unit

Click here to learn more about the WATS system.

WB MicroTAU™

Wide-Band Micro-Miniature Tri-Axial Accelerometer Unit


Programmable initiation triggers over a 10-minute acquisition and non-volatile storage.  Post acquisition download is either USB or wireless.


  • 20-kHz Sample Rate
  • 3 External Accels per unit
  • 1 External RTD per unit
  • Approximate Size: 6.9 cm x 5.3 cm x 3.3 cm

Click here to learn more about the WB MicroTAU system.


Wireless Command and Control Network

The WCCN system is a highly-configurable wireless network for monitoring and distributing logical signals between remote locations. Originally designed to control the activation and triggering of remote cameras, the WCCN units have 19 digital input/output channels. Each channel can be configured as an input, input with pull-up, output, or LED sink.


  • Configureable via USB
  • Rugged enclosure with filtered connector for aviation applications
  • Internal Lithium Polymer Battery supports > 1 day of continuous low-latency operation


Wireless Data Acquisition System


A “smart” wireless network flown as a Development Test Objective (Program RME1330) on two Shuttle missions. This system served as a foundation for future Shuttle and ISS systems.

Click here to learn more about the WDAS system.


Wireless Flight Control System


A proof-of-concept system to control of aircraft with radio frequency links between the pilot controls and the flight control surfaces on the wings. The requirement involved the design of suppressed carrier, spread spectrum, high redundancy, data links that could be demonstrated first on a ground-based test bed and later flown on a NASA research aircraft.

Click here to learn more about the WFCS system.


Wireless Instrumentation System


A high accuracy and resolution data acquisition system that transmits data and configuration information wirelessly. Unit-to-unit start of acquisition is synchronous up to ± 300 ns. Adaptive configurable routing.


  • Programmable Sample Rates: 4.5 Hz to 1 kHz, or 12-hour to 2-second sample periods
  • Up to 64 channels per unit
  • Approximate Size: Expandable from 9.0 cm x 15 cm x 11 cm

Click here to learn more about the WIS system.


Wireless Instrumentation Sensor Processor


Designed to gather and process data from airframes that would be used to predict failures in critical airframe structures. The processing uses complex, real-time, mathematical transformation that must differentiate normal airframe behavior from the behavior of the structure containing the flaw.

Click here to learn more about the WISP system.


Wake Shield Data Acquisition System


Developed to gather pressure experienced on the surface of the satellite when the RCS (Reaction Control System) jets on the Shuttle were fired during rendezvous and grappling operations.

Click here to learn more about the WSDS system.