University of Houston

The University of Houston utilized Invocon’s wireless sensing technology to obtain stress data from steel box-girders during construction of a highway overpass. Over 100 Invocon MicroWIS™ (Micro-miniature Wireless Instrumentation System) strain sensors were mounted on the structure before it was raised, and data was constantly recorded during the entire construction process.
Click here for more information about this MicroWIS application.
University of Texas
Ferguson Structural Engineering Laboratory

Invocon began MicroSAFE™ (Micro-miniature Structural Analysis and Forecasted Endurance) as an internal R&D project. Subsequent exposure of the technology to personnel at the University of Texas, Ferguson Structural Engineering Laboratory resulted in the sale of units to monitor strain on bridges and other structures.
MicroSAFE is an autonomous device that measures and processes strain data using the ASTM Rainflow Cycle Counting Algorithm. The Rainflow algorithm outputs a histogram representing the number of stress cycles of various magnitudes.